The summer season is upon us and the additional pressure on businesses will mean staff shortfalls that need to be filled. 

Please remember your responsibilities when employing seasonal staff – 

Article 19 of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires that you carry out or review your Fire Risk Assessment before employing anyone under the age of 18. 

If a child is of school age, their parent must be informed of the risks and the actions taken to avoid or reduce them.  Information on legislation 

We understand the need to provide work and valuable life experience to the young people in our communities by promoting and continuing to support local businesses throughout the holiday season. 

Young people may not have any awareness of the potential of fire risks within the workplace and lack the experience which can put them at an increased risk of an having an incident involving fire.   


It is important that the correct training is in place for all staff but especially new/young staff, to reduce the risk of any fire related incidents occurring. 


Part of this training should include how to evacuate the premises. 


Training is essential, as for most young people this will be their first job, so it is important to make sure that the training delivered has been understood.  


As part of their training, they should be instructed on fire hazards in the workplace and the risk control measures in place to help reduce the likelihood of a fire occurring. 


This is a great opportunity to review your current fire risk assessment and emergency plan for allstaff that you employ.