Why did you decide to take on an apprentice?
We’re quite lucky to have a rolling apprentice position at the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership. Initially we wanted to give young people a chance to develop themselves, learn new skills and get onto the career ladder with the best start they could.
What Apprenticeship have you chosen and why?
We went for level 3 apprenticeship in Digital Marketing. We needed to increase the capacity of the marketing team but we’re happy to bring on school leavers, it made sense to bring on an apprentice so we could offer a role the candidate could develop themselves.
There are apprenticeships for over 1,500 job roles in the UK, including some great new ‘green’ apprenticeships. So whatever your businesses needs I am sure there will be an apprenticeship that suits.
How was the recruitment process and the paperwork?
Painless, the online account you are required to register with is very simple and straight forward. We chose to allow our training provider to help with recruitment and we had some outstanding candidates apply for the role. In all, it couldn’t of been easier.
What have been the benefits to the business of bringing on your apprentice?
I pleased to say this year we decided to bring on two apprentices, both the candidates were so strong we chose to expand the team and split the role into two and bring on two Digital Marketing Apprentice.
Immediately they have had a great impact, our social media has picked up in numbers and engagement, we’ve increased the capacity, quality, and outputs of the marketing one behalf of the SWLEP.
What advice would you give other businesses thinking of employing an apprentice?
Don’t hesitate, they can really add value to the work you’re doing.
If you do have any questions, about process or funding, there is great advice out there, speak to our team who can offer independent advice and think of themselves as an extension of your team.
I would say don't hesitate to contact us today 01249 477 288 or email [email protected] to discuss the options open to your business.
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