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No matter what size your business we have the right support for you. Swindon Borough Council has a wealth of business support available through multiple services.

We can offer you the latest information and access to funded business support. We are constantly looking for new funding streams to support business with partner organisations across Swindon and Wiltshire. We aim to ensure these options are always listed on the Swindon and Wiltshire Growth Hub.

Thinking of Swindon as a location for your business? Trying to expand your business in Swindon? We offer the latest Borough wide property availability, from all local agents in one easy to read report. We can provide the latest economic stats & facts to back up your business planning process.

Would you like to help influence and shape the future of business related policies, funding and legislation? We can offer guidance and support on National funding competitions. Tracking funding opportunities and providing advice to local businesses. Providing advice and where appropriate partnering local companies in the submission of funding bids.

Struggling to find the right people? Our skills and employment team can help your business to find the right information or services to develop your workforce skills. We can help reduce the skills gaps and staff retention with signposting to funded training programs for your workforce.

To get government backed funding and legislation that makes sense to business, we need your help. We would like to hear your issues, concerns and feedback upon your current economic status that will help us create strategy and respond to government consultations. Email: [email protected]

Swindon Borough Council also offers information, advice and services relating to all of our Regulatory services, including; building control, planning, health compliance & environmental protection, licensing, trading standards, business rates and street smart. We also have a range of commercial business services, including; advertising opportunities, refuse collection and business tenders and contracts. See our website for more information.


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