A bank loan is not the only way that you can raise money to fund your startup business. For some businesses, particularly new riskier ventures, equity investment – raising capital through the sale of shares in a business – may be most suitable. For equity finance, there is a growing number of business angels prepared to back new businesses. The government provides generous tax relief to investors who want to support new businesses.
For less risky types of businesses, debt finance may be more appropriate. If you are struggling to obtain a loan to start a new business, you may wish to consider applying for a start-up loan. For alternatives to the high street banks for both equity and debt finance you could consider raising funding through alternative finance providers such as peer-to-peer lenders or crowd funding platforms.
Explore the resources below for available funding opportunities most suitable for your business
With an SME growth grant of between £2,000 and £10,000 you can kick start your business growth and take your business success to the next level. Apply through the links below.
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