It's time to make your voice heard; the ScaleUp Institute’s ScaleUp Survey is the UK's largest survey of its fastest growing companies.
Now in its fifth year, the survey's influence and importance has grown rapidly, as it focuses attention on what high-growth firms most value and need. With March 2019 around the corner, this is a crucial moment for scaling companies to tell us about your aspirations and challenges and what support you are looking for from Government, local partners and other business leaders for continued growth and development.
Having the latest information means the ScaleUp Institute can keep pressing Government ministers for targeted support and educate local leaders on what is needed to create and foster a local ecosystem ‘match fit’ for scaling businesses at every stage of their growth journey. The more information we have the stronger our case.
We want to ensure that the UK is the best place in the world for companies to scale up and your views are essential if we are going to make sure this happens.
To share your views please follow this link:
Thank you!