A young child planting a tree.
A £150,000 programme is offering support to UK community groups seeking funding for local environmental initiatives.

In addition to its usual support for smaller-scale community projects, in 2021 the Aviva Community Fund has established a dedicated strand for local projects designed to help communities prevent, prepare for and protect against the impacts of climate change.

Eligible projects and activities include:

  • Developing a new approach, product or technology.
  • Implementing a new initiative or piloting a new scheme.
  • Expanding existing services to a new area or beneficiary group.
  • Adapting services to meet today's needs without compromising those of future generations.
Through the Aviva Climate Fund, charities and social enterprises can receive match funding, pound for pound, between 26 October 2021 and 7 December 2021 for their Crowdfunder projects in the areas of climate change prevention and preparation.

Full eligibility criteria and guidance notes can be found at the Aviva Community Fund website.

The deadline for applications is 23.59pm on 5 October 2021.