Wind Turbine

Shoosmiths Foundation is offering grants for UK-based registered charities with an annual income of less than £1 million to support projects in the following categories:

  • Advance social mobility in the legal sector, and across the UK, in line with the Shoosmiths social mobility action plan. 
  • Advance a carbon net zero UK.
  • Advance access to justice in the UK.

The current funding round will focus on projects that advance a just transition to a carbon net-zero UK in locations across the UK where Shoosmiths operate in the following ways: 

  • A just transition within a net-zero context by supporting people disproportionately impacted by climate change.
  • Provide skills development for UK carbon net-zero relevant roles.
  • Provide net-zero awareness and training for specific groups working in the UK.
  • Aid vulnerable members of the community to assist them to switch to renewable energy sources for their home energy consumption.
  • Assist charities in switching to renewable energy sources for properties where they operate.

Projects should address underrepresentation and support intersectionality more broadly, engaging with groups including but not limited to people experiencing homelessness, people with characteristics listed in the Equality Act (2010), long-term unemployed people, refugees, care-experienced individuals, or ex-military personnel. 

The deadline for applications is 26 February 2024 (16:00). 

More details here.