
Any businesses who have been impacted by the Salisbury and Amesbury incidents – could you please take a few minutes to fill out the following online survey. 

Salisbury Recovery Survey
The data will be used to report to government in order to make clear the need for resources to assist recovery in the area.

You may also be interested to know that free business advice and support is available to businesses in Amesbury and Salisbury. Business advisors are available at our Enterprise Centre at The Old Fire Station, Salt Lane, Salisbury. They can help with any business issues you may have including marketing, sales, access to finance including cash flow, tax advice, leadership mentoring and more. 

Drop-in Business Advice sessions are being held  during July at:

Antrobus House, Amesbury, SP4 7HH
10am to 12 noon on
Thursday 19 
Friday 20
Tuesday 24
Wednesday 25
Thursday 26 
Friday 27 

To arrange an appointment in Salisbury or Amesbury please call the Growth Hub on 01225 402096. You can also just drop in to the Old Fire Station.