
The Department for Education has taken the decision to end the Childcare Business Grant Scheme (CBGS) from 31 March 2019.  This is based largely on a decrease in the number of applications received for the CBGS.  We have decided that it would be sensible therefore that the Scheme is not renewed after March 2019.

This scheme is intended to reimburse you for the costs of setting up your childcare business.  The scheme is only open to newly registered businesses. From 1 May 2017 a newly registered business is one that has been registered with Ofsted or a CMA within the last months.

Details of revised Scheme from 4th April 2018

We are retaining the higher level of award (£1,000) for childminders who care for children with SEN/D and for new Childminder Agencies (CMAs), and introducing two tiers of general award:

  • A universal award of £300 for new childminders across England;
  • Introducing a locality supplement of £200 to the universal award, providing a total grant of £500. This will be paid to new childminders within certain local authorities (LA) where there are low numbers of childminders, and the LA has been highlighted as facing challenges around rurality and disadvantage.

Please note that from 1st May 2017, if you have been registered with Ofsted for longer than 3 months you are not eligible for a grant. This rule will be strictly upheld.

Further details can be found here.

In order to be eligible for this grant you must:

  • Be a childminder or childcare provider on domestic premises or a Childminder Agency operating in England
  • Be registered with Ofsted or a CMA on the Early Years Register and be able to provide a copy of your registration certificate
  • Be a NEW business. This means:

               i)      You must have been registered with Ofsted/CMA for less than 3 months, and;
               ii)     Have already started your business (this cannot be before your Ofsted/CMA registration date), or;

               iii)   If you have not yet started your business you must plan to do so within 6 months of your application date

  • Plan to offer the 30 hours funded childcare entitlement for 3- and 4-year-olds yourself or in partnership and are registered with your Local Authority to do so if you are a childminder or childcare provider on domestic premises
  • Directly encourage and support your registered childminders or providers to offer the 30 hours funded childcare entitlement, either themselves or in partnership with other providers if you are a Childminder Agency
  • Spend the grant on costs directly related to setting up your childminding business and retain proof of how you have spent the grant
  • Not have received a grant under the Childcare Business Grants scheme before unless you are now applying as a CMA
  • Not be a private nursery, after school club or other type of provider.

The Childcare Business Grants Scheme is funded by the Department for Education. There is a fixed amount of funding available and is demand-led and operates on a first come / first served basis. Our advice is to not delay your application.

From 4th April 2018 the scheme is subject to updated terms and conditions. See Frequently Asked Questions for further information.