Technology Developer Accelerator Programme- Join the TDAP fast track.
About TDAP
  • TDAP supports micro, small and medium-sized businesses developing cutting edge automotive technology, products and services
  • Since 2017 - TDAP has supported > 60 SMEs with over £7 million in funding 
  • An 18-month programme that supports participants from concept idea to viable market proposition
  • Successful applicants will get expert technical and industry support throughout the process
What previous participants say:
  • Marcel Fowler, New Motion Labs, TDAP Wave 2: ‘Having a good idea is only a fraction of what makes a business. The experts helped us to understand how we could build a business around that and progress towards commercialisation.’
  • Dr Yura Sevcenco, Reaction Engines, TDAP Wave 3: ‘By the end of the project we will have gone from a single proof of concept to validation in a relevant environment with partners that are recognised internationally.”
  • Doug Cross, Balance Batteries, TDAP Wave 4: ‘TDAP has been absolutely fundamental for our company. It has been the seed funding that has enabled us to develop sub-systems that go into our battery modules

Find out more by visiting here.