Latest figures from England’s 38 Local Enterprise Partnerships across the country show the impact and increasing level of support that the Growth Hub Network is having on small businesses in England.


As of October 2017, LEPs have reported:

  • 582,815 - Businesses have engaged with Growth Hubs and/or been supported by them.
  • 31,834 - Individuals have engaged with them, including pre-starts and start-ups.
  • 105,356 - Referrals to public/private support
  • 65,594 - Businesses receiving diagnostic & brokerage support
  • 28,194 - Businesses that have received face to face support
  • 11,459 -  Individuals have been helped to start a business
  • 5,060 - Mentoring or business to business relationships were created
  • 86.6% - Average Customer Satisfaction

Based on an independent evaluation in April 2017, evidence shows that:   

Businesses that have been in contact with a Growth Hub are growing faster than other businesses. Both in terms of turnover (9% for beneficiaries compared to 2.5% on average) and employment (8% for beneficiaries compared to 0.1% for the comparison group).

Growth Hubs are having significant positive impact on the take-up of national support programmes, an increase of almost 50% receiving interventions from national providers.

Businesses that had previously not contacted the national support providers has risen, with a 16.8% increase in new beneficiaries receiving interventions following the introduction of a Growth Hub within a LEP area.