Eligible firms in Swindon are now able to apply for the Discretionary Grant Fund which will allow some small businesses who have not previously been eligible for other government grant schemes to access critical support. This money is a grant and does not need to be paid back.
Mandatory criteria for all applicants includes:
• Ongoing fixed property related costs (e.g. rent, mortgage, rate etc.)
• Small or micro businesses with 49 employees or less
• Demonstrate a financial fall in income as a result of COVID-19 (even if you are still trading)
• Occupy property, or part of a property, with a rateable value or annual rent or annual mortgage payments below £51,000
• Have been trading on 11 March 2020
• For applicants working from home, you must demonstrate your defined work area and costs associated.
Applications will be considered from:
• Small businesses in shared offices or other workspaces where someone else pays the business rates
• Regular market traders with fixed building costs and street trading licences
• Bed & Breakfasts that pay council tax instead of business rates
• Charity properties in receipt of charitable business rate relief in properties with low rateable assessments
• Other types of companies or charities where applicants meet the mandatory criteria
Any business which has received or is eligible for some other COVID-19 government grant schemes, including the Small Business Grant or Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant, is not eligible for this discretionary funding. However, if you have used the Job Retention Scheme, Self-employed Income Grant, furloughed any of your workforce or accessed a COVID-19 loan, you can apply.
Even if you are now planning to reopen your business or you have been trading throughout, you are still able to apply if you can demonstrate income loss due to COVID-19.
A full list of the criteria, guidance and the application form can be found here https://bit.ly/2YKR4D3 and applications must be made before 9pm on Sunday 21 June.