lady walking with a plant

On February 14th is the launch of the new IUK Competition. The aim of this Innovate UK (IUK) competition is to enable the development, acceleration and commercialisation of innovative solutions that empower private investors to confidently invest in nature positive projects.

Projects must focus on one or more of the following themes:

  • Data, tools, models and metrics, including decision making tools.
  • Environmental monitoring and verification of investments, over time, cost effectively.
  • Insurance or insurability of projects.
  • Solutions that help aggregate projects to attract finance.

Projects must support the scaling of nature positive solutions by enabling biodiversity-related risks and opportunities to be incorporated into planning, reporting and investment decisions for the finance and business sectors.

Up to £2 million has been allocated to fund feasibility projects, industrial research projects and experimental development projects. Each project’s total grant funding request must be between £250,000 and £500,000.

The competition is open to single applications and collaborations. To lead a project, an organisation must be a UK registered business of any size, or be or involve at least one grant claiming micro, small or medium-sized enterprise (SME). To collaborate with the lead, an organisation must be a UK registered business of any size, academic institution, charity, not for profit, public sector organisation, or research and technology organisation (RTO).

Applications are invited between 12 February 2024 and 10 April 2024 (11:00).

Find out more here: Competition overview - Unlocking nature positive private investment - Innovation Funding Service (