Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Wellness and Wellbeing are the hot topics gaining traction in corporate wellbeing initiatives. From the assessment for environment ergonomics to making sure we move away from the computer once in a while we are focusing on re-setting the brain before coming back to the desk and being more productive with fresh eyes.

But we are fundamentally forgetting that our inner environment needs a full holistic approach too? Whilst re-setting the brain and going for a wonder, doing a few squats is wonderful for the body is your motivation to do it compromised?

  • How often are you doing the things you need to take care of you?
  • Why are you not feeling it?
  • Why are people still struggling with weight and ill-health?
  • Is stress affecting the productivity of your hired talent?
  • Do you have ‘cake and tea’ afternoons?
  • Are any of your employees diabetic or pre-diabetic?

We still don’t know with confidence how to eat to make us feel all the things we want. Let’s face it everything we do is related to how we feel, or how we believe we will feel.

‘According to Business in the Community figures, poor eating habits are costing UK employers around £17 billion a year.’

How do you as an employer feel about that figure? Are poor eating habits costing your business? If like me you are a ‘solopreneur’ are your eating habits costing you your health and your business?

What’s the solution?

Alongside all the other wellness practices being adopted in the office,

  • which include staff being able to take time-out in a meditation room for instance
  • Sending staff on purely business/team building courses

The sole focus being is on business not being a human being, (the very people we look to serve but don’t know how to nurture). One of our most primal needs to thrive and be productive is food. Nutritional balance. Food that makes us feel good, not food that comforts us. Connection. Breaking bread with colleagues so to speak, making workplace bonding habitual instead of solely course based.

We need to change the way we look at diet and understand on an individual level how diet helps us be the best version of ourselves as possible.

Do you want 100% from your staff the majority of the time? Or Do you want to pay out to sickness and ill-health?

Then being a supportive advocate for eating well, eating good food, eating socially, making it a bonding and habitual perk of the workplace is going to help individuals and you feel less stressed, more communicative, part of something, more likely to contribute beyond your paid for expectation. It’s going to bring together your vision, your leadership and create your community.

Here is an article on 5-ways to promote healthy eating at work?

However, getting started is the key to implementing bigger ideas to a wider audience which is why I have
created a 6-week 1-hour per week coached workshop course to help you kickstart and get your staff on

board. If you are a solopreneur or a small business I also run private events for individual bookings because I believe that nutrition and nurture are the very fundamentals on which we live, and we need that to thrive.

Any wellbeing professional will be familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which gives as a nice visual on

how that works. Workplace wellbeing so far is focusing on tier 2 of this pyramid, more focus on tier 1 would make the focus on tier 2 and the others more valuable.

Ebook for the home and office Kitchens -

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs