Short introduction

People Business Psychology Ltd. Logo

People Business Psychology Ltd. applies psychological principles and techniques to advance people and businesses.

Company Description

In any business, it's all (or, a lot of it!) about the people. And "people" is what the science of "psychology" is all about. Our name represents this. People Business Psychology Ltd. works with organisations to increase their competitive advantage by developing the people who work in these organisations, and by developing the business. We work with a team of highly experienced and highly qualified business psychologists. The results we aim for (e.g. improved performance, happier customers, better service, more engaged staff, clearer staff-related objectives) are achieved through applying business psychology expertise, underpinned by rigorous research evidence. Our key services: - assessment, - management development - team and organisational development - bespoke management consulting. KEY BENEFITS of OUR WORK ARE: *Increased levels of self-awareness *Increased leadership effectiveness *Higher engagement and effectiveness through talent management policy design and implementation *Increased levels of motivation of staff *Reliably identifying the most-suited candidate or members of staff for promotion *Reducing attrition levels; retaining those strong performers *Encouraging higher levels of performance and more innovative drive *Sound understanding amongst managers of their individual strengths and development needs *Higher awareness and improvement of the level of service delivered *Improved style of internal communication within the organisation *Stronger organisation-wide support for your performance management process. Visit our website and give us a call on 02034 783 253.