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Success Without Sacrifice

Lindsey Burden, an intuitive business coach based in Salisbury, shares her insights into why you need to consider your future business goals before making any decisions today. Don't wait until a life-changing or catalyst moment to make the changes needed to get you to where you want to be.
By Lindsey Burden,

Every day you are making choices in your business, some reactive or fear-based; others made on a wing and a prayer. Perhaps some are forced due to changes in your external or internal environments or needs or because you’ve got distracted from what matters most.

Decisions that are perfect achieve the result that you desire or provide you with the breathing space you need.

But what I know from my own experience and working with clients is that too often these decisions are made for the business you operate today. They are not for the business of the future or to bridge the gap between where you are and where you WANT to be.

Unlock Your Potential from the Future

By connecting with your future success, you will make different decisions about, and for, your business. You will ACT with confidence and take braver steps towards that which you desire.

Too often entrepreneurs and business owner are head down, fighting fires, implementing band-aid solutions, and holding the business in the very place they are trying to move away from.  And the secret is simply to STOP, connect with vision, purpose, your values, and the difference you want to make.

You are the key for unlocking your potential and that of your business.  You should never wait for a catalyst.

In 2020 I had to STOP due to a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

I had no choice. The journey began in the January, and I had no idea of what lay ahead; and by the following month knew that at least one operation would be necessary. As I look back at that crazy year, having to attend appointments alone (due to Covid restrictions), being dropped and waved off at the hospital door for three operations (the last a mastectomy and reconstruction) it was mindset that got me through.

Although in hindsight it was with a push mentality, I HAD to get through it.

So, while I’m grateful for a strong mindset, the event provided an opportunity to deeply align with my BIGGER vision, purpose and values – the difference I wanted to make – the work I’ve done since has been more powerful. That is because I got to choose, and it wasn’t forced upon me.

Don’t Wait for a Life-Changing Moment

STOP and give yourself the gift of time, time to connect with the BIGGER vision. Consciously consider what is most important to you, your business and your clients. What is the difference you want to make, what is the change you want to create or be part of? What is the dream that you regularly push down because your ego is working hard to keep you safe in the comfort zone, which I’m encouraging you to step out from because this is where the magic happens?

Outside of your comfort zone is where success lies, limitless abundance is available to you and where you are a magnet for clients and money, creative solutions and inspirational ideas. It is the place where you will experience success without sacrificing your evenings, weekends, health or relationships. It is where you CAN and WILL operate your business effortlessly, and experience expansion and growth.

Act as if You’ve Arrived 

Your wildly successful business is happening for you now, STOP waiting for it. Change your mindset, make exciting decisions and act, and yes this will bring the mind-monkeys out to play. Remember the job of your ego is to keep you safe in the comfort zone but that is not where expansion and growth happens, that is not where you experience success.

Working with the owners of six-figure businesses I watch them make decisions and act. Some like me, believing in the Law of Attraction and others not, BUT both manifest their desires from acting as if they have already arrived.  

They take action with true faith, knowing that if it doesn’t work out something more amazing will happen, or a new path will show itself.

You Get to Choose

Choose what success looks and feels like – expansive, fun and effortless. What does this successful business mean to you?  What are the experiences you WILL enjoy? Working less, paying off the mortgage, five-star holidays – the choice is yours. Then, by holding this vision, make decisions to bring it into your reality and act.

Act from a place of having arrived, excited for what is possible and open to receive all that you desire.

Equally you can choose to retract, stay exactly where you are – fighting fires, spinning plates, and operating with a lack mindset. Waiting for the catalyst or defining moment when you no longer have a choice and by which time it may be too late.

Realising You Have Choice Enables Resilience

Since the pandemic there has been much talk about resilience and being resilient. When you understand that choice, the choices you make are part of being resilient you can experience its true meaning.

It’s not about ‘bouncing back’, but instead having the tools to move through and past your fears and limiting beliefs. It’s letting go of what no longer serves you, to create space for amazing things to happen, changing the habits and patterns that hold you back and stuck in the proverbial rut.

It is you deciding your non-negotiables, concentrating on what you do have control of, acting without expectation, while holding your BIGGER vision.

My journey with breast cancer was easier because of resilience, my ability to see past the event. To see beyond that of my circumstances, the business and me, and focus on the bigger picture – the impact I want to make, those I want to serve and their outcomes.

What do You Choose for 2022?

I encourage my clients to write themselves a letter of congratulations from the future. Equally you can write yourself a thank you speech for an award received. Either way, the purpose is the same, and that is to connect with your success as if it’s already happened.

What goals have you smashed? Perhaps you’ve taken on a new employee or consistently hit your monthly income goals. Maybe you’ve launched a new programme, secured a high-end client or two, attained a public sector contract.

The year is your oyster. Decide now what you want it to look and feel like – who will you have been, served or worked with? What tools or resources you will you have invested in for the business – what changes you will you have made? Choose how you are different.

Please remember that you are not just your business!

In your letter or thank you speech, include the amazing year you’ve experienced outside of the office. There is a reason that business is only one part of the Wheel of Life – to create balance, to experience success without sacrifice, you must give all areas of your life the attention they deserve.

Experience 2022 in all its glory, make it the stepping-stone in your business for realising your BIGGER vision while enjoying it now. You NEVER have to wait for a life-changing or catalyst moment, to do and have all that you desire, in fact I recommend you don’t!


More Information

Lindsey will be discussing this topic further in three webinars delivered as part of the Swindon and Wiltshire Growth Hub's This Way Up webinar programme.  Register to attend or watch again by clicking on the links:  The Purpose of Success and Meaning; how Expansion comes from Action and Investment and how Resilience is moving through, NOT bouncing backwards.


About the Author

Lindsey Burden is an Intuitive Business Coach, who empowers and supports entrepreneurs to manifest their wildest dreams, fulfil their greatest potential and find their path to a six-figure business. She offers both one-to-one and group coaching programmes, and while she predominantly works with women she does also work with men.

She has travelled extensively and worked overseas, before returning to her hometown of Salisbury, Wiltshire in 1999, where she now lives with her husband and two children.

Lindsey has worked in the private, not-for-profit and government sectors before launching her business back in 2013.