£10m Pilot Funding for Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Projects
New pilot funding available to local authorities and partnerships in England to support the rollout of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure.

The Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Pilot Fund is intended to encourage large scale, ambitious and commercially sustainable projects that leverage significant private sector investment. It is the intention that the LEVI will support a transition towards local chargepoint provision secured on a commercial basis without public funding.

The aims of LEVI are to:
  • Help enable strategic local provision of public EV infrastructure ahead of need and promote an equitable EV charging experience for those without off-street parking
  • Leverage additional private sector investment and promote sustainable and innovative business models to enable the delivery of local chargepoint projects that would not occur in the near-term without public support
  • Increase consumer confidence in transitioning to EVs across England, ensuring increased uptake across regions.
As the rollout of EV charging infrastructure accelerates, the programme is particularly interested in funding projects where there is scaled commercial innovation, such as new business models where multiple local authorities work together, or new charging technology.

To apply for LEVI funding applicants must be either a Local authority in England or a partnership/consortium led by a local authority within England.

Applicants must be planning an electric vehicle charging infrastructure project that:
  • Supports the transition to EV use in a local area, with a particular focus on provision for those without off-street parking
  • Will provide an improvement in accessible EV charging provision that would not otherwise be met by current or planned EV chargepoint infrastructure
  • Shows innovation – this could be either technical or commercial innovation.
The project must be explicitly supported by the relevant highway authority (or landowner) with responsibility for maintenance of the areas where the chargepoints are to be located.

A total of £10 million is available and the Fund intends to support between three and eight projects.

The deadline for applications is 17 June 2022 (11:55pm).