Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected research and development (R&D) across all UK sectors, and Innovate UK (IUK) wishes to help them recover, grow and create new opportunities from the aftermath of the global health pandemic.
Proposals must show evidence of key challenges as a direct consequence of COVID-19, and how the project can help solve them. In addition, IUK expects proposals to ensure that any recovery, growth and opportunity is clean and sustainable. Projects should consider COVID-19 recovery in a way that has a positive impact on climate change and/or environmental sustainability, and applicants should explain how this will be achieved, maintained and measured.
From an overall budget of £10 million, applicants can claim a maximum grant of £175,000 against their eligible project costs.
Industrial research and experimental development projects across a variety of technologies, markets, regions, technological maturities and research categories will be funded. Projects can focus on:
- Decarbonisation, circular economy and/or biodiversity.
- Climate change and environmental sustainability.
- Geographic or regionally-targeted innovation.
- Innovation that is aimed at commercial or residential users.
- Innovations that work across more than one sector.
- Follow-on international opportunities that help the UK lead the world.
These grants are for organisations that were not in difficulty on 31 December 2019, but have faced difficulties or entered into difficulty thereafter as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. A UK registered business of any size must lead a project or work alone. The lead must involve at least one SME. Projects must be able to be carried out in the UK, under the current restrictions of COVID-19. UK registered businesses, academic institutions and research and technology organisations (RTOs) can collaborate with the lead.