The Offshore Wind Investment Programme aims to support the delivery of manufacturing investment in the offshore wind supply chain. It may provide grant funding for major investments in the manufacture of strategically important offshore wind components, including:

  • Blades.
  • Towers.
  • Export and array cables.
  • Monopile foundations.
  • Other strategically important components for offshore windfarms.

The programme also supports the Government’s objective to support clean growth, particularly around promoting global action to tackle climate change through renewable power generation, ensuring the UK can meet its 2050 Net Zero goal.

Grant levels are unspecified. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) expects funding sought to be an accurate representation of the finances required for relevant projects and that the figure is the minimum necessary to bring the project forward.

Funding can be used for the construction of new manufacturing facilities or extension or expansion of existing facilities.

Offshore wind component manufacturers may apply. The project must be delivered by a UK registered business and carried out in a ‘disadvantaged or deprived region of the UK’.

The deadline for final applications is 30 May 2021 (23:59 BST).