Our Low Carbon calls for projects
Two calls look to develop and introduce new low carbon energy products, services and technologies into the area.
Energy Efficient Businesses - Up to £1m is available to fund projects that support smaller businesses become more energy and resource efficient, supporting productivity and competitiveness whilst reducing emissions.
Low Carbon Economy - A larger fund of £2.75m is available for projects that bring forward innovations, deployments and demonstrations of low carbon technologies that improve sustainable energy provision and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the area.
Essential guide for your application
On 12 January 2018, Julian Head from the Technical Assistance team talked to a group of potential applicants. The presentation took in local and national priorities, talking through the tricky technical issues for making applications to the ERDF programme. The presentation makes for an essential guide to making an application to the fund.
Help with your application
Following the information session, the Swindon and Wiltshire ERDF Technical Assistance team will continue to help applicants respond to the calls with the applications due by midnight on 26th January 2018. If you are considering making a proposal, you can contact the Technical Assistance team at Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership to discuss their proposal by contacting them at [email protected]