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The Modern Sales Environment: Create, Commit, Close

Linked to his three-part webinar mini-series Jamie Martin will take you on a journey in making you and your business aware to your future customers and developing a brand. You will become an expert in building rapport and arranging the vital first meeting with a prospect, leading them through the customer buying experience to conversion and long-lasting relationships. What are the habits for effective social media marketing? Which steps should you take to arrange a meeting on social media? How do you close the sale at a pitch meeting? Read on to find out and attend or watch again the webinars linked to each section by clicking the links.
By Jamie Martin,

Using social media for selling:

The business environment has changed and the approach in how we sell, and buy has changed too. The traffic within the digital world is continuously increasing, you need to embrace proactive behaviours on digital channels like social media to be visible and communicate a consistent message to your customers.

There are various social media channels: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Social media is for information sharing – what are you an expert in? Do you write blogs about thought leadership?

Your credibility and authenticity fundamental to generating a successful sales pipeline. If you are researching your prospects social media profiles, they will be doing the same on yours.

Start at the beginning by creating a refined and enticing profile where your ideal customer avatar knows exactly what you do and why? As well as how to contact you. As part of this series, in one of the webinars you will be shown how to create a distinctive profile to be viewed and remembered. 


The benefits of social media profiles:

Your current customers can sell your services for you! The recommendations, reviews, or video testimonials displayed n your profile will provide evidence of the results and outcomes you have provided to the businesses you have worked with. Prospects researching your profile will feel fear of missing out if they don’t do business with you also.

You have found an ideal future customer on social media? Who are their customers? Who have they received a testimonial from? Who are they engaging on posts with? Use social media as a digital channel to identify your future customers within the business ecosystem.


Why social media marketing is essential?

How often do you post on social media? What content do you post? More importantly what are the next steps you take with the engagers of your posts?

These are questioning most individuals/businesses ask themselves when reviewing their digital sales strategy and process.

After attending the first webinar in this three-part mini-series, you will become confident in what to post about and when. You will understand what is a compelling post that encourages your followers to engage with. Learn the different techniques and tools on social media for delivering your business messages and services.

How will your service or product benefit businesses and customers? If you are not doing social media posts sharing this information, how will your prospects know what you are selling?

From one of my surveys, 83% of Sales Professionals feel they require support in using social media for building business relationships (Correct Careers Coaching, 2019). If you feel the same, seek the training you require in this area.

If you do not embrace and commit to using social media, you are missing out on boosting your sales to current markets, i.e., LinkedIn has over 55 million companies. Utilise social media to stay visible, promote your brand, engage with new prospects.

You have an exceptional social media profile, you are doing the habit of social media marketing, what next?


Turn your cold connection in to a warm conversation:

During the second webinar of this three-part mini-series, you will be taught a unique 10-step framework to develop a rapport, conversation, and synergy on social media in preparation for your pitch meeting.

This framework gives you a guide and timeframe for appropriately engaging with prospects on social media ready to approach them with a private message meeting request. You will not be surprised how important it is to develop a rapport and likability before a sales message!


The Sales Pitch meeting:

On the final webinar of this three-part mini-series, you will learn how to successfully close a sale at a meeting from a sales trainer with over 11 years of selling experience in challenging roles and varied industries.

Every sales pitch is different, every decision maker will want something personalised, every conversion needs to be bespoke!
If you have had no formal sales training, this webinar is for you. Understand the stages of a pitch meeting and how to adapt your approach to the communication style of the prospect. Some stages are outlined below…

Building Rapport:

If we are being honest, no one likes to be sold to. The renowned sales term: Know, Like, and Trust (KLT) is even more important now for building rapport. Remember experiencing that ‘gut feeling’. It is similar when selling to another person.

A prospect is likely to engage with you through the pitch meeting if you take the time to listen and care about their values and interests. Building rapport should occur early on within the conversation, in my experience, a strong rapport built can make the negotiation and closing easier.

Selling Your Service or Product:

Pre-COVID-19, the selling techniques included describing the features and benefits. However, business initiatives have now changed, and other priorities are more important than what businesses ‘would like to have’.

For identifying and qualifying new prospects, your business should focus on the needs of a prospect; how your service or product will make a significant impact on their business in current markets.

Handling Objections:

There could be several objections from the prospect, e.g., the costs, the prospect had tried a similar service or product before and did not receive the desired results. Before providing an answer to an objection – you need to uncover if this is the only reason or if there is anything else stopping the prospect from proceeding to buy? This will help personalise a response.

Respond with needs-based selling techniques, e.g., what if my service or product solved the problem you mentioned during our conversation? Deliver an anecdote of a similar situation with a previous customer.