EU Rural development funding is still available to support business growth and job creation in rural areas – so apply before it’s too late!
Applications take time for you to prepare and time for us to process and approve, so talk to us about your project as early as possible, so that we can help you meet the deadlines. Two types of grant are available depending on the type and size of your project:
Rural Growth Grants
Rural Growth grants - Deadline for Expressions of Interest is 31st May 2018.
Swindon and Wiltshire LEP still has over £3 million capital funding available to support Food and Drink processing, Rural Tourism and Business Development projects with grants from £35,000 upwards.
For further details see https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/rdpe-growth-programme
Or contact Julian Head on 01225 713421, [email protected] or Ali Morgan on: 07795 338923 [email protected]
Leader Grants
Deadline for full applications to be approved is 29th March 2019 Over £5 million funding has been made available through six Local Action Groups (LAGs) across Swindon and Wiltshire’s rural areas.With nearly £2.5 million worth of projects already approved, applicants are encouraged to apply quickly! Rurally-based businesses, farmers, foresters and community groups can apply for LEADER grants starting from £5,000 up to £100,000.
Projects should be in line with the LAG’s Local Development Strategy and six National priorities which are: support for increasing farm productivity; support for micro and small enterprises and farm diversification; support for rural tourism; provision for rural services; support for cultural and heritage activity and support for increasing forestry productivity.
For more information and to contact your Local Action Group see https://growthhub.swlep.co.uk/programmes/leader-funding
Or call Ali Morgan on 07795 338923 [email protected]